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Let us remain a little longer with the last case of the efficient solution of
differential equations and go into a little more detail, since this will help us for
the Bellman equation.
Let us consider the original approach, the multigrid method. It was initially
developed by the Soviet mathematicians Fedorenko [Fed64] and Bakhvalov
[Bakh66], and main contributions are made by Achi Brandt [Bra77] and Wolfgang
Hackbusch [Ha85].
After the discretization of the differential equation has been performed, the FEM
approach leads via nodal bases to the solution of the equation system
Kx ¼ f ,
ð 6
3 Þ
where K is what we call the stiffness matrix, f is the load vector, and x is the solution
vector for our coefficients c i in the nodal basis. Let IT be a simple iteration method
like Richardson or Gauss-Seidel. For the solution of ( 6.3 ), it requires a lot of
iterations and is therefore very slow.
Then the solution approach of multigrid is as follows: at every iteration step i, we
start with the current solution vector x i , perform some iteration steps
ν 1 with the
simple iteration method IT, and obtain the new approximation x f (relaxation). Now
it can be shown that in the new approximation x f , the high-frequency components of
the error are significantly reduced, but the low-frequency components hardly at all.
Therefore, we calculate the residuum:
y f ¼ Kx f f
and project it onto the coarse grid using what we call restrictor I f : y i g ¼ I f y f . Now
we solve the equation system for the coarse grid:
K g w g ¼ y g ,
where K g is the coarse grid matrix. The coarse grid matrix can be calculated either
by directly discretizing ( 6.3 ) on the coarse grid or by application of the restrictor I g f
and interpolator I g f as a Galerkin operator
K g ¼ I f KI g :
We project the calculated correction vector w i g by use of the interpolator I g f back
again on to the fine grid w f ¼ I g f w i g to obtain the new approximation:
x 1
¼ x f þ w f :
x 1 as start vector, we again run some iteration steps
ν 2 by our simple
iteration method IT and obtain the new iterate x 1 . After this the iteration starts all
over again.
Instead of using only two grids, we can recursively repeat the whole method
over several grids - that is, perform a multigrid method. The procedure for four
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