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within the view. By selecting elements and then selecting the Displace Elements tool, you
can begin staging your axonometric view.
Chapter 21: Working with point Clouds
Understand how to create a point cloud. Point clouds are created with laser-scanning
equipment typically by a surveyor or other LiDAR provider. Understanding the processes
behind creating point clouds is critical to being able to plan a scan for your project.
Master It What are the two types of LiDAR scanners and how do they differ?
Solution Time-of-flight scanners and phase-shift scanners are the two types. The
time-of-flight scanner has a slower collection rate for its points but a longer range. Based
on this, it is typically used in exterior conditions. The phase-shift scanner is faster at
point collection but has a shorter range (65ʹ/20m versus the time-of-light scanner at
1,000ʹ/300m). Based on that, it's typically used for building interiors.
Plan for a scan. Planning a point cloud scan is an important part of the process. This will
help ensure that you collect all the information that you need inside the building and don't
have to repeat the scan because something was overlooked.
Master It What are the key elements to planning a LiDAR scan?
Solution There are four major elements in planning a scan:
Is the scan interior, exterior, or both?
What is the level of detail you'll need to collect in the scan? Understand that this can
vary by room or other condition.
What kind of imagery do you need? Are photos from the scanner sufficient to collect
the data, or do you need the LiDAR scan processed in color as well?
What is the schedule the scan needs to be completed within? How does that affect
building operations?
Use a point cloud in a project. Once you import the point cloud into Revit, you can begin
modeling. Understanding how to use that data in the model will keep your project moving
efficiently and your frustration at a minimum.
Master It List some of the ways you can optimize point cloud performance in Revit.
Solution There are several ways to optimize your Revit performance with point clouds:
Isolate the point clouds by workset so you can turn them on or off as needed.
Create scope boxes around the areas you're working within to help keep the amount
of information on the screen at one time to a minimum.
Use View Depth to minimize how far back into an elevation or section you see. This
will help you isolate various elements so you can model one component at a time.
Use scope boxes in 3D. While much of your architectural design might happen in
plan and section, sometimes it's easier to model against a point cloud when you can
see the condition in axonometric.
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