Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.32
extents to
other views
5. In the Propagate Datum Extents dialog box, select the North elevation view.
6. Click OK to complete the command and then activate the North elevation view. Observe
that the 2D extents of grids 3 and 4 now match the modifications you applied in the South
elevation view.
You can use the Propagate Extents command to easily copy datum settings to any parallel
views in your project. This is especially effective for propagating grid extents to many plan
views in high-rise buildings.
resetting or Maximizing 3D extents
Two commands you might need when adjusting datum object extents are commands that give
you the ability to reset or maximize the 3D extents. These commands are available in the context
menu when you have a datum object selected (Figure 2.33).
The Reset To 3D Extents command allows you to reset any graphic extent modifications back
to the analytic extents. Let's apply this command in the continued exercise file:
Figure 2.33
extent commands
in the context
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