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Master It Because you don't always want elements to appear in every scale of a view,
how can you both add detail elements to your families and still limit the amount of
information that is shown in any given view?
Learn efficient detailing. As you master detailing in Revit, you'll begin to learn tips and
tricks to make your process of creating details more efficient.
Master It To help you assess how much effort you should be putting into your details,
what are three questions you should be asking yourself before starting any detail?
Reuse details from other files. In many project workflows, you will need to incorporate
details from other projects. Reusing these details can aid in the speed and efficiency of proj-
ect documentation.
Master It There are several ways to reuse details from other projects. Name one
and list the steps to perform the tasks necessary to quickly move a detail from one project
to another.
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