Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
1. In the 3D view, select the void sweep. In the Properties palette, you will see the
parameters that drive the profile within the sweep. Click the Associate Family Parameter
button next to the Horizontal Profile Offset value.
2. Click the Add Parameter button. Create a new parameter named Trigger Cut , and then
click OK to close both dialog boxes.
adding tooltips
There have probably been times when you have pulled a family out of your library or a previous
project to add to your model and you can't remember what the parameters actually control.
Parameters like height or length are pretty easy, but will you remember what the trigger Cut does?
new to revit 2015 is the ability to add tooltips to your parameters. you can add up to 250 characters
to describe your parameter and add some additional notes to how it is intended to be used. in the
Parameters Properties dialog box is the edit tooltip button.
Choosing this button will allow you to add a message or description to your parameter to help
explain its functionality.
By hovering your mouse over the parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog box, it will show
the tooltip you've created.
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