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6. Activate the Cellar plan from the Project Browser, and create a building pad in the same
way you created one earlier in this section.
After you complete the creation of the building pad and the topographic surface is modi-
fied, notice that the Net Cut/Fill values in the topography schedule still have a value of 0.
This is because the Graded Region tool must be used on a surface to generate the differ-
ences required to calculate what volume must be cut versus filled in the proposed design.
7. Tile the open Revit windows so you can see both the Default 3D view and the topography
8. From the Massing & Site tab, click the Graded Region tool, and you will see a dialog box
appear with two options to continue the command. Choose the option Create A New
Toposurface Exactly Like The Existing One. This option creates overlapping existing and
proposed surfaces, which will allow the software to schedule the differences between the
two as cut or fill volumes.
9. Select the existing toposurface, and you will see the volume values in the topography
schedule update to reflect how the excavation for the building pad affected the overall
soil. Note that this type of calculation does not account for various construction methods,
such as backfilling.
10. Click the Finish Surface icon in the contextual tab of the ribbon to complete the Graded
Region command.
Activate the Section 1 view to see the building pad more clearly. Try selecting the building
pad and changing the Height Offset From Level value in the Properties palette. Observe how
the Net Cut/Fill values change as the pad defines the scope of excavation for the foundation.
You can also make the topography schedule easier to read by assigning descriptive
information to each topographic surface. Select the surface and enter a value in the Name field
in the Properties palette. Change the name of the main surface to Existing Grade and then
locate the surface where the building pad is. Change its name to Pad Area and observe the
topography schedule once again.
If you would like to explore the completed project file for this exercise, you can download
c03-Site-Cut-Fill-FINISHED.rvt from this topic's companion web page.
The Bottom Line
Select, modify, and replace elements. There are many fundamental interactions supported
by Revit software to select just what you need and to modify elements efficiently.
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them to another type?
Edit elements interactively. The editing tools in Revit are similar to those found in other
CAD and BIM software programs. Tools such as Move, Copy, and Trim are available on the
Modify tab of the ribbon.
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