Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.24e
Eaves ventilation exposed rafters.
Fascias and barge boards should always be preservative treated in accordance with build-
ing regulations and NHBC requirements and should be given one coat of either paint or
stain prior to fixing.
The soffit boards need not be preservative treated for they are generally not exposed to the
weather, although in the writer's opinion it is desirable to do so if softwood tongued and
grooved boarding is used in an exposed eaves detail, such as Fig. 7.24e. It is normal to
support the soffit at the fascia by fitting it into a groove in the back of the fascia, and on
light timber softwood framings on the wall side of the building. Figure 7.20 illustrates a
well framed soffit support system.
Exposed Rafter Feet
Exposed rafter feet tend to be a fashion feature, but are very common in rural areas where
new buildings need to blend architecturally with those older dwellings surrounding them.
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