Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Chapter 18
Wolfgang Maass, 1 Thomas Natschlaeger, 1 and Henry Markram 2
1 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universitaet Graz, A-8010
Graz, Austria, maass,,; 2 Brain Mind Institute, EPFL,
Lausanne, Switzerland,
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Aconceptualframeworkforreal-timeneuralcomputation
18.3 Thegenericneuralmicrocircuitmodel
18.4 Towards a non-Turing theory for real-time neural computation
18.5 Agenericneuralmicrocircuitonthecomputationalteststand
18.5.1 Speech recognition
18.5.2 Predictingmovementsandsolvingtheapertureproblem
18.6 Temporal integration and kernel function of neural microcircuit models
18.6.1 Temporalintegrationinneuralmicrocircuitmodels
18.6.2 Kernelfunctionofneuralmicrocircuitmodels
18.7 Software for evaluating the computational capabilities of neural micro-
18.8 Discussion
A key challenge for neural modeling is to explain how a continuous stream of multi-
modal input from a rapidly changing environment can be processed by neural micro-
circuits (columns, minicolumns, etc.) in the cerebral cortex whose anatomical and
physiological structure is quite similar in many brain areas and species. However, a
model that could explain the potentially universal computational capabilities of such
microcircuits has been missing. We propose a computational model that does not
require a task-dependent construction of neural circuits. Instead it is based on prin-
ciples of high dimensional dynamical systems in combination with statistical learn-
ing theory, and can be implemented on generic evolved or found recurrent circuitry.
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