Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Chapter 13
Coding: StimulusLocalisation
Rasmus S. Petersen, 1 and Stefano Panzeri 2
1 Cognitive Neuroscience Sector, International School for Advanced Studies, Via
Beirut 2/4, 34014 Trieste, Italy, 2 UMIST, Department of Optometry and
Neuroscience, Manchester M6O 1QD, U.K.
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Seriesexpansionmethod
13.2.1 Quantifying neuronal responses and stimuli
13.2.2 Mutualinformationandsamplingbias
13.2.3 Seriesexpansionapproachtoinformationestimation
13.2.4 Generalisedseriesexpansion
13.2.5 Samplingbiasoftheseriesexpansion
13.3 Thewhiskersystem
13.3.1 Whiskingbehaviour
13.3.2 Anatomyofthewhiskersystem
13.3.3 Whisker physiology
13.4 Codinginthewhiskersystem
13.4.1 Introduction
13.4.2 Roleofspiketiming
13.5 Discussion
13.5.1 Decodingfirstspiketimes
13.5.2 Role of cross-correlations in population codes
13.6 Conclusions
Animals are under strong selective pressure to react as quickly as possible to relevant
stimuli. For example, flies can change their flight trajectory with a reaction time of
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