Database Reference
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Fig. 5.10
An example of KDE heatmap on the map
Listing 5.9
Computing the KDE of the Tweet locations
kernelDensityEstimate: function(screenWidth, screenHeight, data,
bandwidth, kernelFunction, distanceFunction) {
// Step 1: Default to Epanechnikov kernel and Euclidean
//matrices that hold the points at various stages in the
computation. Each will be the size of the screen (in pixels
var pointMatrix = kernel_density_object.makeZeros(
screenHeight, screenWidth, 0),
bandwidthMatrix = kernel_density_object.makeZeros(
screenHeight, screenWidth, 0),
kernelDensityMatrix = kernel_density_object.makeZeros(
screenHeight, screenWidth, 0),
maxPoint = 0;
// Step 2: Compute bandwidth matrix which stores the radius
required to find <bandwidth> points at each cell
for(var row = 0; row < screenHeight; row++){
for(var col = 0; col < screenWidth; col++){
//Step 3: kernel matrix is the result of bandwidthMatrix pushed
through the kernel function
for(var row = 0; row < screenHeight; row++){
for(var col = 0; col < screenWidth; col++){
//kernelDensityMatrix now holds a matrix of intensity values
for each point
return {
'estimate' : kernelDensityMatrix,
'maxVal' : maxPoint };
Source: TwitterDataAnalytics/js/kernelDE.js
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