Agriculture Reference
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Current Status of Advisory and Extension Services for Organic Agriculture in Europe and Turkey
farmers. Since organic farming is applied under strict rules, producers and processors need to
have high level of knowledge for organic farming. All the rules has to be performed and can
be controlled by certification firms. For these reasons, extension services need to be provided
by advisory units, having expert knowledge, in order to educate farmers and assure that
necessary information reach to farmers at proper time. Considering the importance of advisory
units, special advisory units specializing on organic farming has to be established [39].
The advisory services play an important role in transfering of scientific results into agricultural
practice, ideally it should be the link between practice and research. The organic advisory
services are quite well developed in the German language and in the Nordic countries which
is partly integrated into the conventional advisory service. Most development in terms of
advisory service is needed in the countries of southern Europe [55].
Based on development levels, countries use different extension sytems and approaches [36].
When organic farming is evaluated for farmers training and extension, fourteen major subjects
should be considered:
adopting an organic farming philosophy to farmers
training of farmers for organic farming [39]
training of organic farming for conventional farmers
training of processors of organic production [39]
teaching the benefits of organic farming to supermarket chains
training of trainers on organic farming [39]
training of researchers and extension worker or adviser on organic farming
teaching the benefits of organic products to children
making awareness of consumers on organic products [39]
developing awareness of policy maker on organic sector
developing awareness of all relevant direct and indirect stakeholders on organic products
organizing promotional and educational activities (urban extension) for enhancing domes‐
tic and foreign markets
considering the use of information technology and internet in this subject [39]
developing awareness to cooperate all relevant public, farmers' organization, and private
sector on organic products.
One of the major aims of this study is to examine advisory services for organic agriculture in
EU member states and Turkey. These advisory units were examined in four groups based on
services provided to farmers such as fundemantal knowledge required for organic farming,
increasing problem solving ability of farmers, deciding suitable product variety and purchas‐
ing production inputs. These four groups were determined as Private advisory services,
Farmer's organizations, Ministries of agriculture and Others. In table 3, advisory service units
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