Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Environmental Aspects Of Organic Farming
From the definition, it is clear that the sustainable agroecosystem does not carry only the
function of food and row material production. The organic farming system is focused on the
homogenization of landscape production and non-production functions, where the emphasis
is laid on environmental aspects. These include in particular:
1. Maintenance and improvement of soil fertility.
2. Nutrients recirculation and a prevention of the entry of extraneous substance into
3. Water management in landscape and its protection against contamination.
4. Air quality improvement and greenhouse gas emission reduction.
5. Genetic resources protection and biodiversity maintenance.
6. Preservation of landscape features and their harmonization.
7. Efficient use of energy, focusing on renewable resources.
8. Optimization of life for all organisms, including humans.
Organic farming is based on the principles of sustainable farming and therefore it is a model
for the sustainable agroecosystems establishment.
production cost
production growth
livestock production
increase the yield per ha
crop rotation
water regime
larger land area, land adjustment
Picture 1: Impact of market-oriented production on relationships in agroecosystem [54].
Scheme 1. Impact of market-oriented production on relationships in agroecosystem [54].
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