Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
to have and implement fertilization plans if fertilized area by manure or slurry exceeds 50
ha on farm during artificial year;
to fill-in journal of organic agriculture production if fertilized area by manure or slurry do
not exceed 50 ha on farm during artificial year, plant protection means for non-professional
use and mineral fertilizers are used;
to fill-in journal of applied means and products of plant protection if there are used plant
protection means for non-professional use on farm;
to keep regulations and requirements for organic agriculture foreseen at the EU Council
Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 the whole contracted period;
to sell a part or organic production;
to keep regulations of Lithuanian organic agriculture.
7.3. Education in organic agriculture
Education, vocational training and, more generally, lifelong learning play a vital role in the
economic and social strategies of the European Union [15]. Education is very important in all
areas of life. Agricultural professionals play an important role in helping to create and develop
innovations. They also inform and educate farmers (and the public) about innovations through
teaching or extension work [7].
Inceptive organic farming farmers must keep regulations of Lithuanian organic agriculture
"Regulations of organic agriculture" [26] and must take part in the course of educational
programme "Backgrounds of organic agriculture (for beginners)" [27]. The course completion
certificate must be delivered for the certification body before the organic certificate issue day
(i.e. till the 15 th June of current year) no later than till the day of farm certification. The
educational courses for farmers are administrated by The Centre for LEADER Programme and
Agricultural Training Methodology. The tasks of educational course programme “Back‐
grounds of organic agriculture” is to convey for farmers scientifically and practically validated
recommendation of organic agriculture, to present backgrounds of organic production and to
acquaint with the main requirements of organic agriculture. The earlier received adequate
education to the farmers course programme “Backgrounds of organic agriculture” can be
recognized by the committee formed by the The Centre for LEADER Programme and Agri‐
cultural Training Methodology under the Ministry of Agriculture.
The State supported trainings (Table 8) as „New technologies in farms of organic produc‐
tion“ [28], „Organic horticulture“ [29], „Weed control system in organic agriculture“ [30] and
etc. are also popular between organic farmers. The organic training courses for farmers are
organized by the demand according to the educational course programmes confirmed by the
Ministry of Agriculture (Table 8).
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