Agriculture Reference
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Place a hoop type fish net about 8 - 12 inches deep under the surface of the water and then
throw some food into the tank above the net. If you're quick enough, you may catch one or
two fish on the first try. After that, they will not come to the food. They are not dumb.
Photo 7 and 8: These are very accurate pictures of Tilapia.
They come in a variety of colors ranging from pink/peach to dark gray (most common) to
almost black or nearly white.
Method #3
This method makes an interesting assumption; that you are both smarter and faster than a
tilapia. We never use this method anymore and discourage its use especially when people
are around because we believe we are smarter and faster than the fish, but they manage to
show us up all the time, so I no longer use Method #3. Having said that, you need two nets
that are at least 14 inches across and have a flat side away from the handle. A pool cleaning
net actually works well if you use a short handle.
With one net as close to the bottom of the tank as possible and facing to your left, (right if
you insist) and with the other net, herd the fish around to the first net. When there are fish
in the first net, lift briskly out of the water and admire your catch. If you thought this was
easy, count how many times you have to repeat this process to catch one fish. Remember,
the expert here, never uses this method. I have people tell me they are successful at doing
this method and I ask for a video. I have never received one, yet. 'Nuff' said.
Method #4
The Commercial Method is the preferred method because it is has been proven over time.
Plus, this method is easy on you, easy on the fish and you can sort the fish as you work.
You will need a second Auxiliary Tank of the same capacity as the Fish Tank to move the
majority of the water out of the Fish Tank to facilitate the harvesting of the fish. In most
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