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We recommend Edgar Sanchez (great guy) owns Tilapia Farming at Home to buy finger-
lings. Edgar also offers breeder colonies to sell and ship to customers east of the Rockies.
We've referred him to many satisfied customers over the years who swear by his hardy
breeding stock. He is quoted as saying, “A breeder colony consists of 6 females and 1 male.
You can easily breed them in a home aquarium! And in my website I'll show you how you
can turn your backyard into a Tilapia farm!”
Again, if you are in the US, please check the Fish and Wildlife Department in the county,
region or area of the place you intend to place your aquaponics system and make sure tilapia
are permitted in your area. Because tilapia can breed so prolifically, some areas restrict the
use of tilapia even in closed loop-systems. In Southern Florida, Blue Tilapia are legally cer-
tified and we raise Blue Tilapia in our farms here.
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