Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
We also recommend gently shaking the stalks of the tomato plant, bean or pepper plant to
agitate the blossoms for increased pollination during the mid-day when the blossoms are
opened the widest.
Cucumbers are not considered self-pollinating but a fan seems to be enough to move the
pollination from the stamen to the pistils.
While an electric toothbrush is a fun pollination tool, it's only used in commercial farm
operations. Here is a great lesson from this innovative gardener who shows you how to en-
courage pollination for your self-pollinating plants like tomatoes and peppers with the use
of an electric toothbrush. Brilliant. It doesn't disturb the stamens (male) or pistils (female)
and provides ample pollination for your plants. BE GENTLE or it over stimulates the blos-
som. You don't need an electric toothbrush method in your Portable FarmsĀ® Aquaponics
System. Just shake the branches of your plants mid-day to help pollinate your plants every
few days.
Planting and harvesting are an ongoing process and you never actually catch up , you
simply stay up with an incredibly productive aquaponics system.
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