Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Photo 21 (left): Push the gravel away to make hole Photo 22 (right): -Insert the cube into
the gravel and surround it with gravel. In fact, add a few more pieces of gravel around the
edge by planting it a bit deeper than I did the one in the photo above.
Please consider proper spacing on your plants when planting seedlings in the gravel. While
it may seem like too much space to place your plants 10” to 12” apart (for example), you
must follow the directions because if you plant too closely, the air doesn't circulate well in
the Grow Table and your plants will NOT grow well and you'll find mold on your leaves.
If you place your blooming plants too close together, when they mature, they will not blos-
som and produce food. Generally, the seed packet will tell you how far apart you should
plant because each variety ofeach plant requires different spacing; somegrowwider,short-
er, taller, etc. than every other variety, so take your guidance from the seed-packet instruc-
tions. While your Grow Table may look sparse after planting, very quickly, it will look full
and lush. In fact, plant any plant that BLOSSOMS 10” to 12” apart so they'll have ample
sun, air flow and room to spread out and produce more food.
Remember, even though aquaponics grows a wide variety of food, you still need to keep
in mind that some food likes to be grown in cooler air temperatures (cooler weather and
early spring) and some like to be grown in warmer air temperatures (late spring, summer
and early fall). If you have a well-built acclimatized greenhouse that cools in summer and
heats in winter in extreme climates, you are less impacted by the seasons if you can use
grow lights above your plants from November to March (Northern Hemisphere), you can
extend your sunlight for your plants from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. But, still, it's easier to grow
vegetables that are relatively seasonal.
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