Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Sudden changes in temperatures are not welcomed by either the fish or the plants.
Our motto: ABP which stands for Always Be Planting! Aquaponics systems are incredibly productive so
make sure you are already planting seeds in growing medium to sprout into seedlings before the food in your
Grow Table is ready to harvest (generally 10 days to 2 weeks prior to harvesting.) Remember the necessary bal-
ance of fish to plant ratio explained in Trade Secret #9.
Because every inch of the space in the Grow Table is SO VALUEABLE, we recommend the installation of a
simple trellis above the Grow Table so your plants (especially blooming plants like tomatoes, beans and cucum-
bers) will grow skyward and not crowd your Grow Table with vines and leaves. We recommend using 2” or
larger plastic coated chicken wire. There are many choices for chicken wire ranging from plastic, wire or PVC
coated. Your choice is up to you - just make sure it is has 2” openings so your plants receive enough sun and air.
If the holes are smaller, you'll have problems with plants unable to grow through smaller holes. Here is a link
to our website for photos and directions for installing a simple trellis.
Grow Lights are optional for use in an aquaponics system but the days are significantly shorter from November
to March (Northern Hemisphere) as if you want to receive the full benefit of your system's maximum production
during winter months then the installation of 4 hours of T-8 Grow Lights will provide you a major 'bump' in
your production (one light fixture of four T-8 bulbs per 25 sq. ft. of grow space). Add this extra grow time to the
late sunlight hours (sunset) when the gravel is the warmest and the plants can derive the most benefit from the
extra light. Grow Lights are also mandatory if your system receives less than six hours of 'direct' sunlight, or if
it is indoors (warehouse) and receives no sunlight. We recommend a minimum of 10 hours and maximum of 18
hours of Grow Lights for indoor growing (plants and fish needs sleep too).
We repeat: Despite installing grow lights in winter months, if the air temperature inside a greenhouse structure
blooms that create fruit/vegetables.
In many parts of the world, there simply is not enough year-round sunlight to meet the long-daylight require-
ments that certain crops require. In greenhouses, where sunlight is the only form of light, the gardener determ-
ines what can be grown by:
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