Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Some plants may not like the soapy solution and the plants can suffer from phytotoxicity
so test one plant in an infested area and see if it results in injury from spraying. According
to the University of Florida:
- D.E. Short, Extension Entomologist University of Florida
Plant Damage due to application of pesticides to plants is known as phytotoxicity. Pesticide
phytotoxicity appears in several ways on ornamental plants, but probably 5 types of dam-
age most commonly occur.
1). Burn--This type of damage may appear on the tip, the margin, as spots on the leaf or
the entire leaf surface may appear burned. The growing tip or bud may also be killed.
2). Necrosis (or death of the plant tissue)--Similar to burn and affecting plants in the
same manner.
3). Chlorosis (a yellowing or bleaching effect)--May appear as spots, tip yellowing, or as
a general chlorosis of the entire leaf.
4). Leaf distortion--May appear as curling, crinkling, or cupping of the leaf.
5). Stunting or other abnormal growth.
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