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3.4%), Switzerland (2.8m or 3.4%), Italy (2.7m or
3.2%), Belgium (2.1m or 2.5%), France (1.7m or
2.1%), the USA (1.6m or 1.9%) and Denmark
(0.872m or 1.1%).
(3.0m or 3.5%), Belgium (2.2m or 2.6%), France
(1.6m or 1.9%) and the USA (1.2m or 1.4%).
Travels with at least 4 overnights.
Croatia, with its large tourism volume is, first, not
a newcomer in the tourism market and, second,
notadirect competitor of Austria, since the offer
is clearly dominated by seaside tourism.
After Germany (52.8m or 61.2%), The Nether-
lands (8.5m or 9.9%), Switzerland (3.5m or
4.1%), the United Kingdom (3.2m or 3.7%), Italy
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