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to accession. The bitter irony of this exercise
was that a majority in the Turkish North of the
island voted for re-unification, while a majority
in the Greek South voted against. The outcome
was that in theory all of Cyprus acceded to the
EU in 2004, but in practice only the Greek
Republic of Cyprus actually did so. This was a
poor compromise indeed, and continues to cast
a shadow over both the 2004 enlargement and
subsequent accession negotiations.
That in a globalized 21st century, a tourist
island as small as Cyprus could potentially hold
one of the major keys to the largest EU enlarge-
ment, to eastern Mediterranean stability, and to
post-communist states' incorporation into main-
stream Europe, was indeed a major irony and a
portent for the future character, structure and
enlargement plans of the EU (Hall, 2004c).
In the next chapter, Constantia Anastasiadou
explores in greater depth the two-way relation-
ship between tourism and the European Union.
This is followed in Chapter 3 with an explora-
citizenship and culture in Europe.
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Journal of Tourism Research7, 51-61.
Danta, D. and Hall, D. (2000) Introduction. In: Hall, D. and Danta, D., (eds) EuropeGoesEast:EUEnlarge-
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pp. 29-56.
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