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Figure 2.2a is not sound because starting from i ,either t 1 or t 2 can fire
and therefore either p 2 or p 3 contains a token. Then t 3 is never enabled
because it needs tokens in both p 2 and p 3 , and therefore state o is not
reachable. This is called a deadlock when no transition can fire after
either t 1 or t 2 fires. A sound implementation is shown in Figure 2.2c
where the firing of either t 1 or t 2 can enable t 3 and the deadlock is
Requirement 2 says when a workflow reaches a final state o , all
other places should not contain any token. Figure 2.2b illustrates a
workflow net that does not fulfill this requirement. Let us think about a
modified version of the travel request approval process in which a
request needs to be approved by both line manager (activity t 2 ) and
comptroller (activity t 3 ), and then archived for later reference
(activity t 4 ). The WF-net in Figure 2.2b is not sound because starting
from i , after t 1 (an activity to split a task and send to two subsequent
tasks) fires, both t 2 and t 3 are enabled since each of p 2 and p 3 contains a
token. Later t 2 can fire and p 4 contains a token, which in turn enables t 4 .
When t 4 fires, p 5 (i.e., place o ) contains a token. However, in the
meanwhile p 3 still contains a token, which violates requirement 2. This
is called lack-of-synchronization where two or more activities should
be synchronized but actually not. A sound implementation is shown in
Figure 2.2d where t 4 is enabled only after both t 2 and t 3 fire.
As we mentioned earlier, places usually represent messages or
resources in workflows. Therefore, by introducing types to tokens,
one can distinguish messages or resources in a workflow. In basic Petri
nets the tokens in different places are indistinguishable. The formal-
ism of colored Petri nets, as an extension to the basic Petri nets, was
stimulated by the idea that each token should have a type assigned
to it.
Before we define colored Petri nets, we first need to define multiset ,
which is the extension of the set concept. N denotes the set of all
nonnegative integers.
Definition 2.5. (Multiset)
A multiset m , over a nonempty set S ,isa
N that we represent as a formal sum, P s2S m
0 s
function m : S
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