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them may fire, but does not have to. Simultaneous firing of multiple
enabled transitions is not allowed in the original Petri net definition.
This semantics make Petri nets well-suited to model the concurrent
behavior of distributed systems. Here we give the formal definition of
the execution rules of Petri nets.
Definition 2.2. (Execution Rule of a Petri Net)
1. A transition t is said to be enabled if each of its input place is
marked with at least W ( p , t ) tokens, where W ( p , t ) is the weight
of the arc from p to t . Mathematically,
W ( p , t ).
2. An enabled transition may or may not fire in a given state
transition step.
3. A firing of an enabled transition t removes W ( p , t ) tokens from
each input place p of t , and adds W ( t , p ) tokens to each output
place p of t ,where W ( t , p ) is the weight of the arc from t to p .
Mathematically, M 0 ( p )
P , M ( p )
M ( p )
W ( p , t )
W ( t , p ), for any p in P .
Typical properties one might analyze by using Petri nets are
illustrated as follows. For brevity we only give an intuitive explanation;
please refer to [78-80] for formal definitions and more details.
Reachability . Starting from an initial marking, firing transitions
will lead a Petri net to different markings. This property con-
siders, given an initial marking, whether or not a target marking
can be reached, after a sequence of firings. All markings given a
Petri net and initial marking M 0 constitute the reachability set
denoted by R (N, M 0 ) and sometimes R ( M 0 ).
Boundedness . This property considers whether or not the num-
ber of tokens in each place does not exceed a finite number, in any
reachable marking.
Liveness . This property considers whether or not a given transi-
tion, or any transition, can be fired ultimately, given any marking
in R (PN, M 0 ).
There are mainly three types of analysis approaches [78], that is,
reachability graph, matrix equation, and reduction and decomposi-
tion. The reachability graph method relies on building the state space
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