Information Technology Reference
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210. Martin, R., W. Robert, et al. (2010). “Recommendation systems for software
engineering.” IEEE Software 27 : 80-86.
211. Begel, A., K. Y. Phang, et al. (2010). Codebook: discovering and exploiting
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212. van der Aalst, W. M. P. (2011). Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and
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213. van der Aalst, W. (2009). TomTom for business process management
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214. van der Aalst, W. M. P. (2009). Using process mining to generate accurate and
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215. Koop, D., C. E. Scheidegger, et al. (2008). “VisComplete: automating
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216. Chinthaka, E., J. Ekanayake, et al. (2009). CBR based workflow composition
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217. Bruno, G., F. Dengler, et al. (2011). “Key challenges for enabling agile BPM
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218. Erol, S., M. Granitzer, et al. (2010). “Combining BPM and social software:
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Research and Practice 22 (6-7): 449-476.
219. Koschmider, A., M. Song, et al. (2010). “Social software for business process
modeling.” Journal of Information Technology 25 (3): 308-322.
220. Maamar, Z., H. Hacid, et al. (2011). “Why Web services need social networks.”
IEEE Internet Computing 15 (2): 90-94.
221. Maamar, Z., F. Noura, et al. (2011). “Using social networks for Web services
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222. Tan, W., J. Zhang, et al. (2010). “Network Analysis of Scientific Workflows: a
Gateway to Reuse.” IEEE Computer 43 (9): 54-61.
223. Nooy, W. d., A. Mrvar, et al. (2011). Exploratory Social Network Analysis with
Pajek. New York, Cambridge University Press.
224. Tan, W., J. Zhang, et al. (2011). ServiceMap: providing map and GPS assistance
to service composition in bioinformatics. IEEE International Conference on
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225. Hall, M., E. Frank, et al. (2009). “The WEKA data mining software: an update.”
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 11 (1): 10-18.
226. Salton, G. and C. Buckley (1988). “Term-weighting approaches in automatic
text retrieval.” Information Processing and Management
24 (5): 513-523.
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