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Theorem 5.7.
The association algorithm can limit the SSE with the
optimal QoS to be achieved only when an SSE corresponds to an SFC.
Proof: From Lemma 5.1, the SSE with the optimal QoS is a CP. Then we
finish our proof by contradiction. We suppose that there exists a CP with
the optimal QoS that does not correspond to an SFC.
By Theorem 5.2, there exists a transition that can be enabled under M .
According to the structural characteristics of the SC-net, no transition in CP
under M can be enabled if every nonleaf place p
P satisfies M
Then there exists at least one nonleaf place p
P satisfying M
Þ >
According to Step 1 in the association algorithm, there are two cases.
If the j th QoS attribute is cost, after aggregation through
V m
M , V j
will be too large; and
If the j th QoS attribute is benefit, after aggregation through
V m
M , V j
will be too small.
achieve the optimal value neither in case (a) nor in case (b). Therefor e,
the conclusion holds.
Considering the objective function stated in (2) and (3), V j
Note that the approach we apply in Step 1 in the association
algorithm is analogous to the “big M method,” which is widely used
in linear programming to force an artificial variable to be zero [128].
5.4.2 Web Service Configuration under Multiple
QoS Objectives
If a Web service user has multiple QoS objectives, the optimal
configuration problem can be treated as multi-attribute decision-making
(MADM) [129], in which alternatives are the candidate SFCs to be
evaluated and attributes are the QoS measures of SFCs under consider-
ation. Simple additive weighting (SAW) [130] is an important method
for MADM. We adopt SAW as follows. We first normalize every QoS
j to allow a comparable scale for all cost and benefit
QoS attributes. Then we apply a weight w j for the j th QoS attribute to
represent relative importance or value trade-offs of different attributes.
Finally, we calculate f
c j to
¼ P q 1 G j
w j for each candidate configura-
tion. The greater the f value, the more preferred the SFC. Through
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