Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.5 Diagram of time series for each of water quality parameters and their predictions (the
predictions are based on 1 month ahead projections) Selected Models of Few Water Quality Parameters in Zir-e-Pol
Ca ++
As described in Fig. 4.5 the proper model for calcium (Ca þþ ) was ARIMA.
(2,0,0)(0,0,0) The relation of the model is as follows:
Z t =2
186 þ 1
02Z t 1 0
338Z t 2 þ a t
ð 4 : 45 Þ
where Z t is the amount of calcium, and a t stands for error. The standard error is
0.331 according to comparison approaches. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and
Schwartz Bayesian Information Criteria are less than the other models. Also cor-
relation coef
cient is 0.95 which is proper.
p-Value is 0.99 which indicates that the model is excellent (Table 4.6 ).
SO 4 --
Figure 4.5 shows variations of sulfate parameter and the best model for SO 4
is an
ARIMA (2,0,0) (1,0,0) S with seasonal components (Table 4.4 ).
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