Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Setting Up Your Development
What you Will learn in this chapter:
How and where to start programming
What Integrated Development Environments are
How to install Eclipse IDE for your own use
How to begin using Eclipse for Java programming code doWnloads for this chapter
The code downloads for this chapter are found at
beginningjavaprogramming on the Download Code tab. The code is in the Chapter 3
download and individually named according to the names throughout the chapter.
The first two chapters provided you with some background and a theoretical foundation
for basic programming in Java. So that you can get started programming right away, this
third chapter takes a short detour from Java concepts to give you a development environ-
ment to start coding. In this topic, Eclipse is the development environment used. However,
it is by no means the only or even the best environment. This chapter covers some of
the most commonly used development platforms, so you'll be familiar with them if you
encounter a different environment in use on a project you join in the future. You may also
like to try the different options to see which is most comfortable for your personal use. In
order to provide consistency throughout this topic, the following chapters assume you are
using Eclipse when giving directions related to the environment. There is no reason the
concepts you read in the later chapters cannot be implemented in the environment of your
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