Java Reference
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static int a = 4;
double x = (double) a;
In Java, the following widening conversions are possible:
From a byte to a short , an int , a long , a float , or a double
From a short to an int , a long , a float , or a double
From a char to an int , a long , a float , or a double
From an int to a long , a float , or a double
From a long to a float or a double
From a float to a double
A narrowing conversion is when a value of a broader (higher precision) data type is converted to a
value of a narrower (lower precision) data type. This will typically involve loss of information. An
example of this is as follows:
static float b = 6.82f;
int y = b;
Because of Java's strict type checking, this code will not compile and an error will be generated, as
Type mismatch: cannot convert from float to int
Here, the casting is not done implicitly by the JVM and should be made explicit by the programmer
using the following statement:
int y = (int) b;
In Java, the following narrowing conversions are possible:
From a byte to a char
From a short to a byte or a char
From a char to a byte or a short
From an int to a byte , a short , or a char
From a long to a byte , a short , a char , or an int
From a float to a byte , a short , a char , an int , or a long
From a double to a byte , a short , a char , an int , a long , or a float
To conclude, consider the following TypeCastingExample class in Java:
public class TypeCastingExample {
// This is our main method.
public static void main(String[] args){
int intA = 4;
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