Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:soap="" >
<GetQuoteResponse xmlns=" http://www.webserviceX.NET/">
So now you know you can expect a SOAP reply message with a GetQuoteResponse tag con-
taining one internal tag— GetQuoteResult— which you can parse in your program.
Finally, note that the web service also provides a WSDL file, which you will see later on in a bit
more depth.
How It Works
Here's how it works:
The website hosts a number of useful SOAP services, one of which
is the stock quote provider.
Each SOAP service provides a number of “operations.” Think of these as “methods” you can call
on the service. In the case of the stock quote provider, only one operation is provided: GetQuote .
SOAP requests can be sent to invoke a service operation. To do so, a request message needs to
be constructed that will be sent to the service URI (the endpoint). That method must contain a
SOAPAction header with the operation you want to call and a message body containing the param-
eters you want to send to the operation handler. The WebserviceX.NET websites provides example
messages for each of its operations.
If the request succeeds, you know you will receive a reply formatted to the specifications as shown
on the example page. You know you can expect a SOAP reply message with a GetQuoteResponse
tag containing one internal tag: GetQuoteResult . This tag contains a “string”—you can't be sure
yet how this string is formatted or what information it contains, so you'll need to take a closer look
at it once you receive SOAP replies in your program.
It's time to get started and see how you can access this service in Java. Create a class called
ClientWithoutWSDL to do so. From the example in the Try It Out, you know that you will need the
following to access the web service:
The hostname of the service. In this case, this is .
The “endpoint” to which you should send the request using HTTP. For the “Stock Quote”
web service, this is /stockquote.asmx . Together with the hostname, this forms the full end-
point URI: .
The name of the operation you want to invoke. In this case, this is GetQuote . The name of
the operation is also used to construct the SOAPAction header: http://www.webserviceX
.NET/GetQuote .
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