Java Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
The class MyDBApp3 starts by importing the JPA javax.persistence.* package.
An EntityManagerFactory object emf is defined for the database in C:\objectdb-2.5.6_04\
objectdb-2.5.6_04\db\employeeadm.odb using a static factory method of the JPA bootstrap
class Persistence . If the database does not exist, which is the case in this example, then a new
one will be created. Note that an URL combined with a username and a password can also be used
when creating the EntityManagerFactory object. The connection to the database is then repre-
sented by the EntityManager object em , which is created by the emf object. The emf object may
create multiple EntityManager objects in case multiple database connections are needed, which
can then be efficiently pooled by the emf object. The method em.getTransaction().begin();
then initiates a database transaction. The next lines of Java code then create two new Project
objects and a new Employee object to which the Project objects are assigned using a HashSet
object called projects . The Employee object is then stored in ObjectDB using the method em.
persist(Myemp); and the transaction is committed by em.getTransaction().commit(); . The
Employee object has now been made persistent and can now be queried. Note how easy this is
here, compared to the Hibernate approach where a configuration file had to be defined to specify
the mapping details.
In JPA, queries can be implemented using the (old) Query or (new) TypedQuery interface.
The Query interface can be used when the result type of the query is unknown, whereas the
TypedQuery interface is used when a known result type is expected. Note that queries are always
formulated in JPQL.
The statement Query q1 = em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(emp) FROM Employee emp");
creates a JPQL query object called q1 , which counts the number of employees in the Employee
Entity Class in ObjectDB. The result of the query is a single value and is written to the console
using the method System.out.println("Total Employees: " + q1.getSingleResult()); .
A JPQL query will now retrieve all Project objects and list them on the console. The statement
TypedQuery<Project> query = em.createQuery("SELECT proj FROM Project proj",
Project.class); creates a TypedQuery object whereby the return type of the query, i.e. Project ,
is now explicitly specified. The statement List<Project> results = query.getResultList();
then executes the query and stores the results in a list of Project objects. A for loop is then used
to iterate through this list and display the relevant information to the console. Finally, the em and
emf objects are closed using the methods em.close(); and emf.close(); .
Finally, the object tree for the Employee and Project objects is displayed.
comparing Java dataBase access technologies
In this chapter, you have seen several ways to access databases from Java: JDBC, SQLJ, Hibernate
as an ORM framework example, and OpenDB as an OODBMS example. In the industry, the most
popular approaches currently adopted are JDBC and Hibernate. Despite their intrinsic advantages,
SQLJ and OODBMSs are only seldom used because both are often perceived (rightfully or not) as
complex to work with.
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