Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Also inspect the Employee table in MySQL to verify if the new employee has been successfully
added, as shown in Figure 9-16.
figure 9-16  
How It Works
It begins with installing all the necessary JARs to use both Hibernate and MySQL. The hiber-
nate.cfg.xml file contains all the Hibernate configuration details that will be used by the ses-
sionFactory object to set up a database connection. Note that Hibernate will communicate with
the MySQL database using JDBC. The following properties were set:
hibernate.connection.driver_class: JDBC driver class
hibernate.connection.url: JDBC URL
hibernate.connection.username: database user
hibernate.connection.password: database user password
hibernate.connection.pool_size: maximum number of pooled JDBC connections
By setting the show_SQL property to true , the SQL commands generated by Hibernate are dis-
played in the console. This is very handy for debugging. The dialect property allows you to spec-
ify which SQL language should be used to communicate with the relational database, for example,
Oracle9Dialect , PostgreSQLDialect , SybaseDialect , and so on. Since you are working with a
MySQL database, it was set to MySQLDialect . By setting the hibernate.current_session_con-
text_class property to thread , the Hibernate session is executed in the thread in which it was
created. The <mapping class="Employee" /> statement then defined the class for which you
want to create the mapping to the MySQL database.
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