Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A General Introduction to
What you Will learn in this chapter:
The key steps in a programming process
The different types of programming errors
The key principles of software testing
The different types of software maintenance
The key principles of structured programming code doWnloads for this chapter
The code downloads for this chapter are found at
beginningjavaprogramming on the Download Code tab. The code is in the Chapter 1
download and individually named according to the names throughout the chapter.
Developing good and correct software is a very important challenge in today's business
environment. Given the ubiquity and pervasiveness of software programs into our daily
lives, the impact of faulty software is now bigger than ever. Software errors have caused
flight crashes, rocket launch errors, and power blackouts, to name a few examples. Hence,
it is important to design high-quality, error-free software programs. This chapter covers the
fundamental concepts of programming. First, it elaborates on the programming process. The
next section provides a sneak preview of object-oriented programming. This is followed by a
short discussion on programming errors. The basic principles of software testing and software
maintenance are also discussed. The chapter concludes by giving some recommendations
relating to structured programming. You will revisit many of these ideas in future chapters,
with a more hands-on approach.
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