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Note how the error messages are still shown on the console, whereas standard output is now saved
in the output.txt text file (verify this by opening the file). Is there a way to redirect error messages
as well? Indeed there is, by using 2> : java -jar linereverser.jar > output.txt 2> error.
txt . Note that > (standard output redirection) can then also be written as 1> . If you want to append
to the end of a file instead of creating a new one, you can use >> (two arrows) instead of > . Try this
out if you like.
Let us now take this a step further. Create a text file called input.txt on your Desktop containing
the following:
No doubt you can see where this is going; we would like to use the contents of this file as input
instead of typing the lines ourselves. Again, this is easy, using the < redirection operator, like so:
java -jar linereverser.jar < input.txt . See Figure 8-9.
fiGureĀ 8-9
Indeed, you can also combine these operators to construct something like this: java -jar liner-
everser.jar < input.txt > output.txt 2> errors.txt .
So far, you've been taking input and sending output from and to files, but it is also possible to redi-
rect the standard streams from one program to another program. To illustrate this, we will use a
standard Windows command-line program called type . This program just shows the contents of a
file on the standard output. Try it out by typing type input.txt . See Figure 8-10.
fiGureĀ 8-10
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