Java Reference
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Very astute readers will note that the short primitive data type would also be fine
to represent a byte, as it ranges from -32,768 to 32,767 and thus has plenty of space
to represent both -1 and 0 to 255. The reason for this is simply because working
with int is is faster than shorts in the JVM (as this 32-bit type maps more closely
to underlying modern hardware), and that int has become sort of a standard
means to hold a byte of data. Secondly, you might also wonder why read returns
-1 instead of throwing an exception when the end of a stream is reached. Again a
good point, and this is due to historic reasons and standardized practices (coming
mainly from the world of the C programming language).
For OutputStream , we get:
void write(int b) : Writes the specified byte (represented using an int variable) to this
output stream.
void write(byte[] b) : Writes the specified byte array b to this output stream.
void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) : Writes len bytes from the b starting at offset
off to this output stream.
void close() : Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with
this stream.
void flush() : “Flushes” this output stream, i.e. forces any buffered output bytes to be writ-
ten out.
It's worth underlining the fact that the close method appears in both the InputStream and
OutputStream classes. It is extremely important to always close streams when you no longer need
them. In fact, this is so important that, even when an error occurs, you should still attempt to close
streams. Keeping streams open can lead to resource leaks, i.e. files remain opened by the JVM and
take up memory in your program. When the data source or destination is something other than a
file, the close method of the byte stream class might also be responsible for ensuring that every-
thing is tidied up correcly.
To get you started with byte streams, the following Try It Out shows you how to copy a file using
FileInputStream and FileOutputStream , two basic byte stream classes aimed at working with files.
Copying Files with Byte Streams
try it out
In this Try It Out, you will copy a grocery list using byte streams.
Create a new project in Eclipse if you haven't done so already.
In the Eclipse Package Explorer, create a new file called groceries.txt within the project root
(not in the src folder). See Figure 8-3.
Enter a grocery list in this TXT file and save it (one item per line). This example uses the following
shopping list:
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