Java Reference
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Implementing Interfaces
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To compare and contrast with superclasses, this exercise demonstrates the implementation of interfaces
using the Bank Account examples from earlier.
You may want to create a new package to keep your bank account classes separated from other
account classes you've been working on already.
Create a new interface the same way you do a class, but by selecting New Interface instead of
New Class. Name it Accountable .
Add four methods to the Accountable interface:
boolean isValidDeposit();
void deposit();
boolean isValidWithdrawal();
void withdraw();
Write meaningful comments for the interface and each method. If you type /** and press Enter, the
multiple‐line comment block will be generated for you. Your Accountable interface may look like
* an interface to manage accounting behavior
public interface Accountable {
* Returns true if a specified String is a valid amount to deposit.
* @param deposit: the amount to be deposited
boolean isValidDeposit(String deposit);
* Adds the specified amount to the balance.
* @param deposit: the amount to be deposited
* @throws IllegalDeposit
void deposit(String deposit) throws IllegalDeposit;
* Returns true if a specified String is a valid amount to withdraw.
* @param withdrawal: the amount to be withdrawn
boolean isValidWithdrawal(String withdrawal);
* Subtracts the specified amount from the balance.
* @param withdrawal: the amount to be withdrawn
* @throws IllegalWithdrawal
void withdraw(String withdrawal) throws IllegalWithdrawal;
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