Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The general form of a try/catch block looks like this:
try {
// execute some statements
} catch (Exception exc){
// statements to handle the exception
} finally {
// no matter what, do this
note While this topic refers to these as try/catch blocks, there are in fact
three separate components: try,catch , and finally blocks. You may encoun-
ter any of the following: a try block with (one or more) catch blocks; a try
block with (one or more) catch blocks and a finally block; or, less commonly,
a try block with only a finally block.
Now you can see how they are used by looking again at the retirement fund examples. Recall how
you got a division by zero exception when you tried to divide an int retirementFund by another
int yearsInRetirement , if the latter was given the value 0.
public class Errors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int age = 30;
int retirementFund = 10000;
int yearsInRetirement = 0;
String name = "David Johnson";
for (int i = age; i <= 65; i++){
double monthlyPension = retirementFund/yearsInRetirement/12;
System.out.println(name + " will have $" + monthlyPension
+ " per month for retirement.");
public static void recalculate(double fundAmount, double rate){
fundAmount = fundAmount*(1+rate);
You could enclose the division and print statements inside a try block and add a catch block, like
try {
double monthlyPension = retirementFund/yearsInRetirement/12;
System.out.println(name + " will have $" + monthlyPension
+ " per month for retirement.");
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