Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Greater than 95% of all known chemicals contain carbon. Carbon is unique
• Each atom combines with four other atoms
• Forms chains of atoms:
Open chains
Closed chains (rings)
Combination of open and closed chains
• Combines with atoms of other elements
Organic compounds make up more than 95% of all the chemical compounds
known to exist. One reason for this is that carbon is unlike all other elements.
It can form chemical bonds to connect (become bonded) with four other
atoms. This ability to connect with other atoms (form bonds) is called
. Carbon is said to have a valence of 4. The most unique feature of
carbon is that it readily forms bonds with other carbon atoms to form what
are usually called
. It also readily bonds to other elements,
particularly hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
In addition to forming open chains, closed chains, and combinations
thereof, in recent years, it has been found that carbon atoms can even link
together to form closed spheres, which have structures resembling soccer
carbon chains
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