Environmental Engineering Reference
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1. 2 Graph of c.d.f. and FP.
It is obvious that the FP is a function of the distribution of T and
represents the probability that the time to failure is less than some specified
operating time t :
Q ( t ) = P { T < t }.
The graphs of c.d.f. and FP are shown in Fig. 1.2.
In the limit as the number N (an increase of the sample) of test objects
increases, P (t) and Q (t) converge in probability (their values become
similar) to P ( t ) and Q ( t ).
Convergence in probability is as follows:
lim| ()
Pt Pt
()| 0
The determination of c.d.f. in the operating time range [ t, t + ∆ t ] is
of interest for practice, provided that the object had worked flawlessly
y to the beginning of the interval t . This probability is determined using
the multiplication theorem of probabilities and highlighting the following
A = {reliable operation of the object until the moment t };
B = {reliable operation of the object in the range ∆ t };
C = A·B = {reliable operation of the object until the moment t + ∆ t }.
Obviously P ( C ) = P ( A·B ) = P ( A ) ·P ( B|A ), since the events A and B are
The conditional probability P ( B|A ) is c.d.f. P ( t, t + t ) in the interval
[ t, t + t ], so
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
P ( B | A ) = P ( t , t + Δ t ) = P ( C )/ P ( A ) = P ( t + Δ t )/ P ( t ).
Failure probability in the operating time period [ t , t + Δ t ], taking into
account [1.23], is:
Q ( t , t + Δ t ) = 1 - P ( t , t + Δ t ) = [ P ( t ) - P ( t + Δ t )]/ P ( t ).
Statistical evaluation of the failure probability density function (p.d.f.)
is determined by the ratio of the number of objects ∆ n ( t, t + t ), failed in
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