Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Terminology, concepts and definitions
1.1 Terminology, abbreviations, symbols 
Equipment and pipelines ( EP ) - mechanical nuclear power plant (NPP)
equipment, including pressure vessel shells, pump and valve housings, main
and auxiliary pipelines.
Strength - the property of the materials parts and structures to resist
mechanical and thermomechanical loads in a particular environment,
characterised by temperature, chemical composition and condition, gravity,
radiation, electromagnetic and other physical fields, without destruction,
while preserving the shape and integrity within the limits sufficient to fulfil
their functions.
Useful life of EP NPP - the total operating time of the object from the
beginning of its operation or resume after repairs to the transition to the
limiting state (GOST 27.002-89). For the power plant EP operating under
thermomechanical loading, the limiting state occurs with the loss of strength
properties, or obsolescence, or with a reduction of reliability below the
acceptable level established in technical conditions.
γ-percent yield - the total operating time during which the object does
not reach the limiting state with probability γ, expressed in percentage
(GOST 27.002-89).
Useful life of the first kind - the useful life of EP or their elements
according to the criterion of resistance to complete failure (formation of a
critcial size crack).
Useful life of the second kind - the useful life of EP or their elements
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