Environmental Engineering Reference
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5.2.1 Mathematical approximation of the detection of
discontinuities, depending on their size 
V.N. Volchenko 75 derived the following equation for the curve of detection
of defects
W = 1 - exp λ ( x - x 0 ),
where x 0 is the boundary smallest detectable defect size depending on the
sensitivity of the inspection method; λ is a constant.
A. Zimmer used the equation of the same type. However, he used it for
the probability of missing the defect P
P = ε + (1 - ε) exp (-γ a ),
where ε and γ are constants.
Constant ε indicated that for any type of inspection there is
always a probability ε of missing the defect as a result of operator's
mistake. According to Ref. 86, the value ε = 0.005 was determined on the
basis of a survey of a large number of experts - NDT inspectors.
In Ref. 89, etc. the probability of defect detection was described using
the equation
W = (1-ε) - (1-ε) exp [-α ( a - a 0 )], for a > a 0 ,
W ≡ 0, at a < a 0 ,
where ε is a constant characterising the fundamental limitations of this
inspection method; α is a constant characterising the detectability of defects
depending on their size; a 0 is constant related to the sensitivity of the
inspection method.
Given the finite size of the vessel walls and pressure pipelines,
commensurate with the size of defects, the constant ε can be omitted, and
the influence of the human factor or of instrumentation and methodological
shortcomings will be taken into account by the coefficient α. In this case,
equation [5.5] transforms into equation [5.3].
The effect on detectability of two linear dimensions of the defect: the
depth in the direction of the surface a and length c , was described in Ref.
90 by the equation
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
W = 1 - exp [-α( a - a 0 ) / a /c]. [5.6]
Equation [5.6] is valid in the region a a 0 , c a.
There are also other equations for describing the detection of defects 29
but the curves obtained for these dependences are close to the curves
obtained by the above-mentioned equations.
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