HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; char-
This is still supported in HTML5 for backward-compatibility, but the preferred syntax
is shorter and includes a new attribute, charset :
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Ahh, this is much more succinct! Remember, you don't need this at all if your server
sends the character encoding as part of its HTTP response header.
New content model categories
A content model is used to specify the kinds of content that specific HTML elements
are expected to contain. Different HTML elements that can contain the same kinds of
content can be grouped together into categories. Traditionally, HTML elements have
fallen under two categories: block and inline. In HTML5 these have been significantly
expanded to seven major categories:
• Metadata content
• Flow content
• Sectioning content
• Heading content
• Phrasing content
• Embedded content
• Interactive content
The block category roughly corresponds to “flow content,” while the inline category
corresponds to “phrasing content” to make a distinction between this category and the
display:inline; property used in CSS. These will be explored further in the next
New elements
HTML5 introduces a large number of new elements to help give greater meaning (se-
mantics) to the structure of your web pages. New elements such as header , nav , and
footer describe areas where the title and logo of the page may appear, where the main
navigational menu appears, and where the copyright and legal information would be
found, respectively. This standardizes the common practice of creating these areas of a
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