HTML and CSS Reference
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Figure 6-11. A block-level box showing padding, border, margin, width, and height, as well as
the positioning properties around an HTML element
A block-level box is found most commonly around flow content such as paragraphs,
headings, or other elements that provide a division between blocks of content. By de-
fault, block-level boxes will expand to fill the width of their containing element and will
stack vertically on top of each other.
An inline-level box is commonly found around phrasing content such as span , q ,
em , and so on. By default, inline-level boxes will run horizontally rather than vertically,
because they follow the lines of text in the content. The box for an inline level box looks
exactly like a block-level box ( Figure 6-11 ) except any margin applied on the top and
bottom of the box will be ignored—only margins on the left and right sides have an ef-
fect. Additionally, padding applied to the top and bottom will not push away elements
above and below the element, as a block-level box would do, but instead will overlap
the element's border (if present) over adjacent content. Lastly, inline-level boxes take up
only as much space as the content contained within them, plus any padding that is set,
meaning they will ignore settings to their width and height properties. Figure 6-12
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