Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
with metal. I patch holes with sheet metal and even the ends of metal cans, whatever it
takes to cover all the small holes. A completely metal building might resolve a weasel
problem entirely.
Make every effort to keep weasels out of the building, because once they get in, they
won't stop the slaughter until every bird of every species is gone.
Predator Control Tips
Don't be discouraged if some unknown critter is pinching your eggs and babies or slay-
ing your birds. Every raiser has to deal with at least one predator at some point in his
life. Be proactive in the following ways:
Don't overfeed your birds or allow a lot of extra feed to lay around on the ground.
Keep all pen doors secure at night and train birds to sleep inside; don't allow
them to sleep in trees or outside in the open, where they are more vulnerable.
Monitor fences around pens.
Keep a guard dog.
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