Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Although the Building Supply List box above suggests you purchase twelve 6-foot
(1.8 m) pieces of sheet metal for siding and three 8-foot (2.5 m) pieces for the roof, it
may be easier to simply purchase fifteen 8-foot (2.5 m) lengths of sheet metal and invest
in a decent pair of metal cutters. A good pair can be obtained for less than $20 and they
come in handy for many projects. Eight-foot (2.5 m) lengths will allow you some flexib-
ility with your structure if you wish to bury a bit of the metal along the sides to prevent
predators from digging under the structure.
Anyone can tackle this project without much difficulty. I have built many of these
structures with modest carpentry skills. Follow the building directions on the next few
pages and you'll soon have a place for your birds to live.
The Frame
1. Mark locations for the two 10-foot (3 m) 4×4s (10×10 cm) 8 feet (2.5 m) apart
where you want the front of the building to be.
2. Mark locations for the two 8-foot (2.5 m) 4×4s (10×10 cm) 7 feet (2.1 m) behind
and parallel to the two 10-foot (3 m) posts. These pairs of posts are the front and
back of your building, so you want them to be lined up and as square as possible.
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