Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
To keep young birds from flying up into the trees, trim the ends of their flight feathers. I
trim to the edge of the wing on flighty types, but leave an inch or so on calmer birds.
To confine your birds to a smaller area, make sure you get the wing feathers trimmed
or they will decide that roosting in the trees is much more to their liking than roosting
inside a shed. Try to catch them and trim their wings before they fly up high in the tree
at night.
Once you've decided whether you will raise commercial broad-breasted turkeys or nat-
urally mating heritage types, you have conquered your first battle. Your next decision
involves choosing a particular breed to raise.
Commercial Turkey Strains
Commercial broad-breasted turkeys typically come in one or two strains. Brand or trade
names of the commercial white turkey and its bronze-colored broad-breasted version ex-
ist, but basically there are only two choices for commercial type turkeys in the United
States. These turkeys are all basically forms of the same bird type with white feather
Broad-breasted, commercial, bronze strains are usually just a cross between a white
parent and a bronze-colored parent (not a naturally mating or true bronze turkey).
These large commercial turkeys are selections, like the commercial broiler chickens (see
chapter 8 , Meat Chickens), and unable to reproduce on their own.
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