Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Old English Game
Rocks have a single comb and a slender style body; Wyandottes have a square or
chunky body with a rose comb. Both breeds lay a pale brown egg.
You can find bantam versions in other breeds as well. They range from Orpingtons
and Sussex to Leghorns , Rhode Island Reds , and New Hampshires . As far as tem-
perament and other breed characteristics, these diminutive breeds all seem to possess
qualities that are quite similar to their larger counterparts.
Uniquely Bantam
Silkies, Sebrights, Nankins, and Japanese breeds are among the few that fall only into
the bantam category. These birds do not exist as varieties of regular-sized chickens.
Silkies are a popular choice for a child as they are soft and cuddly like a kitten or
puppy. With only a few typical feathers — secondaries on their wings — Silkies pos-
sess the unique trait of having downlike feathers covering the rest of their bodies. They
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