Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
His other two flocks are White and Columbian Wyandottes. Again, these are
purebreed exhibition strain with light brown eggs, and they not only add egg sales
but also supplement Tom's income through hatching-egg sales.
Tom makes most of his own poultry feed. He raises the grains on his farm, grind-
ing and mixing them with supplements purchased from local feed companies. His
operation is sustainable and progressive.
Be sure that the bag says the feed is a “balanced poultry ration for laying chick-
ens.” A “breeder ration” is different. Protein is not the only element of feed to be con-
cerned with; many micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and sources of calcium
and fat should also be included in proper quantities.
If you are not careful about your feed choice, you may find you've purchased an in-
adequate product. But it won't take long for you to determine that the feed does not meet
the needs of your birds. If they are not laying properly and egg production starts high
and then rapidly drops off, or if you're having problems with feather picking or canni-
balism, your feed is not properly balanced.
More information about key issues that pertain to all chickens — egg laying, meat,
dual purpose and fancy — is in chapter 28 , Calendar Considerations. Issues about selec-
tion for production, checking for production, and molting are all addressed there.
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