Database Reference
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Definition 12 AOT for a database query-answering system, for a given instance-
database A , is a pair (S,Σ AOT ) such that:
1. The carrier set S
L A , Υ ) of the sorts where X A is a hidden sort (a set
of states of this database system),
(X A ,
L A is an input sort (a set of the unions of
conjunctive queries over A ), and Υ is the set of all finitary relations for a given
2. The signature Σ AOT ={
Next, Out
is a set of operations:
2.1. A method Next
: X A × L A X A that corresponds to an execution of a
next query q( x ) L A in a current state s X A of a database A such that a
database A passes to the next state; and
2.2. An attribute Out
X A × L A
Υ such that for each s
X A , q( x )
L A , Out(s,q( x )) is a relation computed by a query q( x ) .
The Data Object Type for a query-answering system is given by a coalgebra:
X L A ×
Υ L A of the polynomial endofunctor ( _ ) L A
Set , where λ is the currying operator for functions.
In an object-oriented terminology, the coalgebras are expressive enough in order
to specify the parametric methods and the attributes for a database (conjunctive)
query answering systems. In a transition system terminology, such coalgebras can
model a deterministic, non-terminating, transition system with inputs and outputs.
In [ 4 ], a complete equational calculus for such coalgebras of restricted class of poly-
nomial functors has been defined.
Here we will consider only the database query-answering systems without the
side effects. That is, the obtained results (views) will not be materialized as a new
relation of this database A but only visualized. Thus, when a database answers to a
query, it remains in the same initial state. Thus, the set X A is a singleton
for a
given database A and, consequently, it is isomorphic to the terminal object 1 in the
Set category. As a consequence, from 1 L A
{ A }
1, we obtain that a method Next is just
an identity function id
1. Thus, the only interesting part of this AOT is the
attribute part Out
X A × L A
Υ , with the fact that X A × L A ={
L A L A .
Consequently, we obtain an attribute mapping Out
: L A
Υ , whose graph is
TA , introduced in
equal to the query-evaluation surjective mapping ev A : L A
Sect. 1.4.1 .
This mapping ev A : L A
TA will be used as a semantic foundation for the
database mappings.
Corollary 5 A canonical method for the construction of the power-view database
TA can be obtained by an Abstract Data-Object Type (S,Σ AOT ) for a query-
answering system without side-effects as follows :
TA Out q i ( x ) | q i ( x ) L A .
Proof In fact, from the reduction of Out to ev A (for an AOT without side-effects),
for a given database instance A ,
Out(q i ( x ))
q i ( x )
L A }={
ev A (q i ( x ))
q i ( x )
L A }=
TA , from the fact that (in Sect. 1.4.1 ) ev A is a surjective function.
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