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Let for a schema
r ( 0 , 1 ) be an implication χ
in the SOtgd obtained from the algorithm EgdsToConSOtgd of a given normalized
implication Ai ( x )
A =
(S A A ) , Ai ( x )
r( t ))
r( t )) of a given tgd in Σ A , with
r 1 ,...,r k }⊆
S A the set of
all relational symbols of
that appear in the conjunctive formula φ Ai ( x ) .
Then, based on the algorithm MakeOperads , from this implication χ we obtain
the operad's operations q A,i
) suc h t ha t
q A,i is the expression obtained from the implica ti o n Ai ( x ) ∧¬ r( t )) r q i ( 0 , 1 ) ,
that is, the expression (e ∧¬ ( _ ) k + 1 ( t )) ( _ )( 0 , 1 ) (the expression e on the left-
hand side of the implication is obtained from the formula φ Ai ( x ) where each rela-
tional symbol r m is replaced by a place symbol ( _ ) m ,for1
O(r 1 ,...,r k ,r,r q i ) and v i
O(r q i ,r
k ). Thus:
1. If the integrity condition given by the tgd
x Ai ( x ) r( t )) is satisfied then
φ Ai ( x )
r( t ) is false for each assignment g to variables in x and hence, from
Definition 11 for the mapping-interpretation α , for each
d 1 ,..., d k + 1
α(r 1 )
d 1 ,..., d k + 1
α(r k )
α(r)) , α(q A,i )(
, so that α(q A,i ) is a
constant functions and α(r q ) ={}
and hence α(v i )( ) =∈ α(r ) = R =
Consequently, the function α(v i ) is an injection.
2. If this integrity constraint is not satisfied then there exists a tuple d which defines
an assignment g for the variables in x such that φ Ai ( x )/g ∧¬ r( t ) is true and, for
the o p e ra d's operation q i =
v i ·
q A,i (i.e., the expression (e
( _ ) k + 1 ( t ))
( _ )( 0 , 1 ) ), from Definition 11 ,for
d 1 ,..., d k + 1
α(r 1 )
α(r k )
d 1 ,..., d k + 1 ) and { π j h ( d j ) = π n h ( d n ) |
( U
\ α(r)) such that d
(j h ,j),(n h ,n)
is true,
α(q A,i )
d 1 ,..., d k + 1 =
= g( 0 ),g( 1 )
0 , 1
0 , 1
α(r q ),
so that α(v i )(
0 , 1
0 , 1
). Consequently, the
function α(v i ) is not an injection.
Consequently, Corollary 4 can be applied to a schema mapping that represents the
integrity constraints Σ A =
Σ egd
Σ tgd
over a given schema
, that is, to the map-
EgdsToSOtgd(Σ egd
TgdsToConSOtgd(Σ tgd
AA ={
}: A A ,froma
into the auxiliary schema
A =
r }
) .
Let us now consider the examples of Corollary 4 for the schema mappings, based
on the SOtgds obtained from the set of tgds. The first one is a continuation of Ex-
ample 8 .
Example 13 For the operads defined in Example 8 , let a mapping-interpretation
(an R-algebra) α be an extension of Tarski's interpretation I T of the source schema
A =
(S A A ) that satisfies all constraints in Σ A and defines its database instance
α (S A )
r i
S A }
α(r i )
and, analogously, an interpretation of
Let α satisfy the SOtgd of the mapping
M AC by the Tarski's interpretation for
the functional symbols f i ,for1
2, in this SOtgd (denoted by I T (f i ) ).
Then we obtain the relations α( EmpAcme ) , α( EmpAjax ) , α( Local ) ,
α( Office ) , and α( CanRetire ) . The interpretation of f Over 65 is the characteris-
tic function of the relat io n α( Over65 ) in the instance B
α (S B ) of the database
B =
(S B B ) , so that f Over 65 (a)
α( Over65 ) .
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