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and we will define its complete signature Σ α . Then we will demonstrate in Sect. 5.4 ,
Theorem 9 and Corollary 19 , that such a Σ α algebra (where f
O(r 1 ,...,r k ,r) are
considered not as a carrier-set but as the set of composed operations in this algebra)
is computationally equivalent to the largest extension of the Codd's relational alge-
bra (which contains all update operations for the relations).
We consider an R-algebra in Definition 8 in the way where not the relations but
the operads f
O(r 1 ,...,r k ,r) constitute its carrier-set and hence it is similar to
the consideration of a category as a kind of algebra (see the introduction, Sect. 1.5.1 )
where the carrier set is composed of objects and arrows with the basic operation just
the associative composition '
' of the arrows, which is a partial function, as is the
associative operation '
' for the operads. This analogy (both with a composition with
the identity elements) is a natural justification for why we are using the interpreta-
tion of R-operads algebra in Definition 8 as a basis for the definition of the DB
category for database-mappings.
Let us define the algorithm that transform an SOtgd into a set of abstract operads:
Operads algorithm MakeOperads(
M AB )
M AB : A B
Input. A schema mapping
ψ B, 1 ) ∧···∧
ψ B,n ) .
x 1 A, 1
x n A,n
Output. Set of abstract operad's operations from
1. ( Normalize the SOtgd )
Initialize S to be the empty set
M AB be the singleton set
ψ B, 1 ) ∧···∧
ψ B,n ) .
x 1 A, 1
x n A,n
For 1
ψ B,i into S if this implication is not a
ground formula. If S isemptygotostep4.
Each implication χ in S has the form φ A,i ( x i )
n , put the implication φ A,i
⇒∧ 1 j k r j ( t j ) where every
member of x i is a universally quantified variable and each t j ,for1
k ,isa
sequence (tuple) of terms over x i . We then replace each such implication χ in S
with k implications φ A,i ( x i )
r 1 ( t 1 ),...,φ A,i ( x i )
r k ( t k ) .
2. ( Reinsert the hidden relations )
In each implication φ A,i ( x i ) r k ( t k ) in S (obtained in the previous s tep), on
the left-hand side of this implication replace each equation (f r ( y i ) .
1 ) , where
y i
x i and f r is the characteristic function of a hidden relational symbol r/
(introduced by the algorithm Compose ), by the atom r( y i ) .
3. ( Transformation into operad's operations )
Consider S
with χ i being a view-based query mapping (impli-
cation from conjunctive query over
χ 1 ,...,χ m }
r ( t i ) ,
into a relation of
), q Ai ( x i )
where S q =
(r i 1 , 1 ,...,r i k ,k ) is the ordered list of relational symbols as they ap-
pear (from left to right) in the conjunctive query q Ai ( x i ) . Then replace each such
implication χ i in S with the operad's operations q i O(r i 1 , 1 ,...,r i k ,k ,r ) where
(r i 1 , 1 ,...,r i k ,k ) = S q and q i is the expression obtained from q Ai ( x i ) by replacing
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